Irene Ojdana
September 23, 2015 | Harvest, Napa Valley | Irene Ojdana

Vineyard {511} Harvest 2015

De-Stemming THe 2015 PickThis year our harvest took place incredibly early--September 14--in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, Ed and I slept through it as our harvesters arrived before 4 am. We did, however, go to Jessep Cellars later in the day (where our wine is made), to watch our grapes be de-stemmed. The process was so interesting as the fork lift grabbed each bin of grapes, lifted them and dumped them in another vat to be manually sorted and then carried along on a mechanized belt to be separated into stems and berries.

The harvest was a bit smaller than we'd hoped, and we heard all the harvests were smaller this year. However, the good news is that the berries are delicious!


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